1. "I dare to make millions after years of being too cool for publicity."
2. "I dare to belatedly take my share of the post-Eraserheads pie after watching Raymund get an early head start."
3. "I dare to promote the auxiliary brand to Raymund's main brand."
4. "I dare to wear eyeliner."
5. "I dare to unabeshedly rip off Interpol..."
6. "...and therefore I dare to be in a 3rd generation rip-off of Joy Division."
7. "I dare to appear in ASAP and allow Gary Valenciano to murder my Interpol rip-off song."
8. "Did I mention that I dare to make millions?"
9. "I dare to open for Nine Inch Nails."
10. "I dare to say the phrase 'Voice of My Generation' out loud. Seriously, I do."
Ely Buendia screen cap courtesy of findallvideo.com/tag/buendia
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